The Directorate of Finance, Administration and Planning Section of the University is responsible for the following core functions in support of various programs or evolving curricula;
- To develop an achievable work plan for the department in conformity with the strategic objectives of the university.
- Co-ordination and preparation of Quarterly and Annual reports.
To develop a matching budget for funding work plan.
- To develop procurement plan that ensures timely availability of resources and services for implementation of the work plan Monitoring and evaluation of strategic/procurement plan in the division
The MKU Academic Quality Assurance Policy (MKU-AQAP) ensures that teaching by individual staff and by departments appropriately addresses the design of the curriculum. The Academic Quality Assurance Policy (MKU-AQAP) contains a check list that ensures that:
- Student attendance for lectures and practical is recorded at every contact throughout the semester.
- The quality assurance form specifying the teaching outline on a weekly basis is filled at every contact throughout the semester.
Students appraise lecturers at the end of every semester using structured forms. An analysis of appraisal results is communicated back to the Department for necessary feedback to the teaching staff.
We will prepare an Annual budget and procurement plan that is aligned to meet the needs of an evolving curriculum