Course Objectives
At the end of the course, the trainee should be able to do the following:
- To carry out First Aid effectively and efficiently.
- To carry out community health education.
- To participate in Community Health and Development projects in the community.
- To help in vector control activities in the community to break the disease transmission routes.
- To carry out comprehensive counselling.
- To participate in immunization programmes.
- To provide and promote home based care in the community.
- To assist in the organization and the running of the HIV/AIDS prevention and control programmes.
- To promote proper housing which should include: proper construction, ventilation and lighting.
- To advise the community on safe/hygienic handling of excreta
- To participate in proper waste management.
- To promote good nutrition and to advice the community on the importance of food security.
- To mobilize and organize use of community resources in health care.
- To be involved in the promotion of MCH/FP activities in the community.
- Health education in the community (at homesteads, community centers, baraza, school etc).
- Carry out school health programmes
- Promote proper hosing
- Advice the community on hygienic and proper excreta disposal
- Promote safe water supply including well protection, and water treatment
- Advice the community on safe waste disposal
- Advice the community on the proper utilization of locally available food stuffs to promote proper nutrition
- Counsel and rehabilitate communities and individuals on social problems affecting them
- Detect and report on disease targeted for surveillance (elimination and eradication)
Assist community health and development technical officers in their roles and functions.