Title of the Programme

The programme title shall be Master of Science, Public Health Nutrition. (MPHN)

Philosophy of the programme

To impart scientific knowledge and practical skills to address challenges and take an active role in public health and nutrition in different settings.

Rationale of the programme

Needs assessment / market survey / situation analysis

Worldwide, many people continue to suffer from preventable communicable and non-communicable diseases. The need for capacity building in the field of Public Health and Nutrition has been compounded by the emerging and reemerging health challenges.

Good nutrition is crucial in the attainment of a wide range of development goals. The Vision-2030 sustainable development agenda has put addressing of health issues at the top of its goals. To be able to design and develop nutrition sensitive interventions, there is need to develop a highly professional Public Health nutrition workforce with specialized skills to guarantee the wellbeing of the community. The Master of Science, Public Health Nutrition programme is essential to the training of Nutrition specialists for the Public Health Sector who will be capable of addressing these issues that will ultimately help to enhance sustainable health.

The Master of Science in Public Health nutrition programme aims at producing Public Health Nutrition professionals capable of addressing nutrition and health issues by responding effectively, developing, managing and evaluating health programs and proposing viable alternatives.

Justification for the need of the proposed programme

The need for prevention, reduction of transmission of both communicable and non-communicable diseases in the human population calls for improving physical, biological, cultural and social environmental conditions.

The labour market demand for public health Nutrition practitioners over the years has not been matched with training opportunities in the country and the region at large, hence the inability to respond to emerging health challenges.

The continued increase in health issues emanating from the rapid urbanization industrialization, physical inactivity and poor dietary practices due to modern technological advancement and emerging and re-emerging diseases make capacity building in the field of Public Health Nutrition a necessity. The programme intends to produce skilled public health Nutrition professionals, who will be capable of integrating theory and practice in assessing, analyzing and managing, developing, and evaluating    Policies affecting the health of the individual and the community, and be able to suggest effective and appropriate Public Health and Nutrition interventions. The Masters of Science Public Health Nutrition graduates will be equipped with necessary knowledge, skills and attitude through lectures, tutorials, group discussion, seminars, to become objective, accomplished, in Public Health Nutrition research and programs.

Vision of the programme

To be a leading programme in Africa in the development and training of Public health  Nutrition professionals.

Mission of the programme

To provide world class teaching, research and innovative extension services in public health Nutrition.

Objectives of the programme

The objectives of the Master of Science, Public Health Nutrition are:

  1. To provide students with mastery in public health nutrition through advanced analytical skills, communication skills and knowledge
  2. To prepare students to lead teams and individuals, build healthy alliances, develop capacity and capability and work in partnership to improve health and wellbeing.
  3. Enable students promote health by influencing the lifestyles of populations, communities and individuals.
  4. Enable students prevent ill-health through risk assessment, promotion and implementation of evidence-based interventions.
  5. Enable students to undertake research using sound methodological principles.
  6. Provide students with relevant tools, skills and understanding of concepts and terms which will support effective public health nutrition practice.
  7. Prepare students academically and professionally for a career in Public Health Nutrition.
  8. Provide community service through consultation, advice, training, participation, moral and financial support to the community and other stakeholders
  9. Train manpower that is adaptable to emerging and re-emerging public health nutrition challenges.
  10. Train students to understand ecological approach to public health with emphasis on the linkages and relationship to multiple determinants of health.

Expected learning Outcomes of the proposed programme

Upon completion of the prescribed course of study for Master of Science, Public Health Nutrition the graduates will have acquired knowledge, skills and attitude to be able to: –

  1. i) Demonstrate an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the underlying principles of Public Health Nutrition.
  2. ii) Demonstrate the application of methodologies needed for the identification and control of those factors that can adversely affect the health of present and future generations.

iii) Undertake the profession and practice of Public Health Nutrition.

  1. iv) Demonstrate marketable competence in the core disciplines of their profession.

v) Exhibit the requisite knowledge and skills necessary to develop processes, tools and resolution methodologies associated with Public health Nutrition.