Mechanisms for Programme Evaluation
The Schools of Public Health will continuously do self-evaluation through:
- The existing university Directorate of Internal Quality Assurance (DIQA).
- Bench marking with collaborating medical schools in the region and beyond
Reports from external examiners during the examination sessions. The groups that independently monitor performance and outcome data are DIQA, and both internal and external ISO auditors. The evaluation data collected is on scope, coverage, assessment and mode of delivery. The evaluation activities are enhanced and refined to cover all important components of the medical education programme through external reviewers and feedback from auditees.
Teacher and Student Feedback
- The Schools of Public Health will sample, analyze and use the opinions of staff and students about its educational programme through confidential feedback form that is filled by students on each unit taught and confidential suggestion box.
- The Schools of Public Health will encourage individual staff and students through the lecturers on the other hand monitor the students through attendance sheets and continuous assessment and end of semester examinations. After objective appraisal, incentives are given based on individual performance.
Student Performance
- Statistical data on student performance will be collected and analysed through; Class attendance lists, CATS, end of semester examinations, practicals, take away assignments, clinical end of rotation examinations.
- The individual student parameters monitored in relation to performance during the course are; Social demographic characteristics, the health and financial status. These parameters are used to inform students’ selection and counseling.
Involvement of Stakeholders
- The Public Health officer and technician Council will regulate and monitor the program on a regular basis. The Ministry of Health and the County Governments health departments- will absorb the graduates and also provide feedback on the quality of their performance.
- The School communicates outcomes of program evaluation through Dissemination and debriefing meetings and stakeholders forum.
- The stakeholders will be involved in evaluation and development of the program at all levels from inception, implementation to graduation.
- The mechanisms to be established to ensure considerations of stakeholders’ views will be through surveillance visits.
Interaction with Health Sector
- The School will seek to be a leader in health education provision. As such it will carry out research on emerging health issues and disseminate findings the same to the health fraternity.
There will be provision of consultancy services by the clinical staff alongside clinical teaching.